Whoa! Check this out: Open BSD Journal has a story about a zaurus port! So now you can have the most secure pda on the planet?
Why can't I keep my contacts?
Ok so there’s Evoultion, KMail/KAddressbook, Thunderbird, and then there’s the tried and true pen & paper. What’s the problem? I want to keep a list of people I know so I can contact them. I want a list that I can use no matter what client I choose. Vcard isn’t it.
Using your hosts file to block ads
So you’re tired of ads huh? Adblocker annoying you? Well check this out: http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/. It’s a /etc/hosts file (if you’re smart you can use it on just about any os) that will redirect ad sites to local host, eliminating the need for an ad blocker! Pretty neat idea huh?
VIM Tips
If you use vim, you’ll love these tips that I found in zzapper’s signature on a post to zsh-users!
http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=305 My fav is :help!
Doing Ruby Devel With Debian?
If you’re doing ruby devlepment on a Debian system, you might want to check out the Ruby Production Archive “RPA will be a controlled repository of Ruby libraries and applications, managed by a dedicated team that will ensure consistency and proper QA.” I used it to install jabber4r, and it worked without any problems whatsoever.